
Internal Migration Tool

A large retailer needed to migrate over 2 million employees to new roles in an internal migration. Tools needs was a questionaire for workers and a dashboard that serves 3 phases of migration for all employees

Product Designer
Visaul Design
Internal Migration Tool

Project overview


For about two years prior to my team starting, Kurt Salmon’s Business Consulting team were working on a re-organization and migration of all roles for the company. This was a lot of strategy work and refactors and formula. 

The main focus is to introduce a phased system that would give all employees a more unified role. Other goals were strategically based on providing sole front area employees vs back end employees to improve the store’s customer experience.


Was to create three tools:

  • questionnaire/questionnaire Management Tool - This handled the questions constructed by the business consultants to map employees to the best fit for their roles (i.e by location, experience, and role type, etc) I was the designer here
  • Admin Dashboards - Was the management of the actual roles and its mapping. Users could see deviations of roles and try to map their direct reports to the best fit. I co-designed this
  • Admin - An exclusive admin tool to control the overarching 3 phased migrations of the level of roles and other high level permissions and settings. My co-worker led the design here.
Web Design


The project was a month long for design and three months for development with our team. The design deliverables I was responsible for were: 

  • Dashboards and Questionnaire Wireframes/Visual Design
  • UI Kit/Brand Kit
  • Personas
  • Architecture

For research, my coworkers and I research different Ikea employees and did store observations and studies. We defined our findings into three centralized personas. 

Flow Chart


Personas centered on the different needs and levels of securities we need to consider with each employee. 



The questionnaire focused on ease of use and noticeable advancement in the questionnaire process.

Major UI/UX Considerations included:

  • Percentage complete status - Users can see where they are in the questionnaire as it was a pretty long one
  • Quick click for form design - Leverage many 1-5 inventory, dropdowns, and checkmarks to make use quick and efficient
  • Information - Provide hover over information for more context over complex questions
  • Final confirmation page - Before submitting, we wanted to provide users a confirmation of all responses and the ability to jump back to different parts of the questionnaire.

Dashboards and Placement Tool

Was set to have a quick view on roles different mapping statuses that was set to be quick and efficient. 


Dashboards were designed with three phases and the navigation and UI changes to support such:

  • Phase 1 quick view of mapping for more junior managers with one or two teams
  • Phase 2 designed for higher up management which showed deviations and the manager’s teams mapping
  • Phase 3 For executive and senior management and focused on Org charts and final placements and approval processes
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UI and Style Guide

Focused on Ikea’s overall brand and style. It leverages more flat styles of user interfaces. 

For more visual esthetics, our team utilized images and more interactive elements in the questionnaire to make the process that all roles had to do welcoming and inviting. Our major concern was that users would be nervous that they could lose their role (which there were fail safes throughout the dashboard tool to ensure this didn’t happen.)


Development and execution of migration worked well

It successfully migrated over 2 million roles to more unified roles. Customer service has noticable improved instore in addition


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